
We have made flight entry easier for you. If you wish, you can enter data by selecting from thousands of registered airports or by scanning the ACARS screen with your phone's camera. We also enable you to easily transfer your previous flights from other applications.
You can import your roster or add it manually. You can easily follow the roster you have added, and the system compares your actual flights and warns you of duty time violations. You can share your roster with your friends, so you can see each other's flights and easily compare your off days.

You are offered the opportunity to edit the information of your flights in detail. You can view your flights by date or you can easily access the flight information you want by making detailed searches based on airport, flight personnel, aircraft type or notes taken.
You can easily access precise weather information. On the application homepage, there are buttons where you can easily access weather information for the departure and destination airports of your next flight. Or you can search by airport. Daily, hourly and weekly meteorological information of the airports is provided.

To make your work easier, beyond being a logbook, we provide you with wind components check, time calculator, snowtam decoder, runway state decoder, cold weather correction, approach path correction, unit convertor, deicing hold over times, fuel uplift calculator functions.
You can create your routes by entering coordinates or selecting on the map. You can also create an area for notams or your training areas and view it on a map, satellite view or 3D map. You can get track distance and time to go information for waypoints on your route. Additionally, your altitude and ground speed are displayed. You can record your flights and share your instant location information with other aircrafts. You can select the airports and naiads around you on the map and view their detailed information.

You can add your friends by sending or accepting friend requests. You can send your roster to your friends or view their rosters. In this way, you can identify common off days or flights with your friends. You can also send your current location and message to your friends and inform them of your whereabouts.
Enter your flights by scanning ACARS or manually. View and search your flights in detail. Follow your poster by importing it or entering it manually. Add your friends and share your roster with them or send your current location and message. Compare your roster with your friends and check your shared flights or off days. View your friends' shared locations and messages on a map.
With the advanced navigation module, see more than 2500 airports and navadis on the map and view their detailed information. Enter your routes and view them on the map. View distance, track and time to go information to waypoints thanks to the HUD feature. View the aircraft's current altitude, ground speed and track information. Record your flights, watch them on the map later, and send your instant location, altitude, speed track information to other aircraft in flight.
Reduce your workload in the cockpit by wind check, snowtam decoder, runway state decoder, time calculator, cold weather correction, approach path correction, unit convertor, fuel uplift and deicing hold over times functions.
View your detailed statistics on Bar and Pie charts. See the routes you have flown and will fly on the map. Examine the detailed meteorological information of the airports on an hourly, daily and weekly basis.
Print your logbook in one of eight different formats. Easily take and save notes with the scratch pad. Import your old flights from other applications or enter them in bulk from the settings section and have them added to your logbook printouts.
Choose from three different color themes or use it in automatic mode and use it in dark mode when it gets dark. Save your certificate information and receive alerts before it expires. Let your data sync automatically via iCloud so you can easily access it on your iPhone and iPad. Easily share your route, field and airport notes with your friends. By using flight time limits, let the system track your duty times and prevent duty time violations.